Visualizing English 605

In the spirit of Mueller's Network Sense, I have taken all of the blog posts we have produced for this class and plugged them into TagCrowd to see what a visualized Word Cloud of "English 605" would look like. I set the visual to include our top 75 words, and I removed a couple of everyday words like "included" or "used." This is the result:

created at

This is by no means a carefully considered, methodological study of our class, but it is interesting to see what is prominent. Some things aren't surprising, considering the topics we've discussed in class and about our projects, but I am interested by the fact that you could look at this cloud as a representation of the overall Computers & Writing discipline as well. The words that stand out the most seem to be the ones that have prominence in the field (at least, from the reading I've done), in no particular order:

  • Digital
  • Literacy
  • Students
  • Writing
  • Work
  • Access
Some lesser (but not by much) keywords, again in no particular order:

  • Community
  • Composition
  • Culture
  • Publishing
  • Technology
  • Textbooks
  • Think
  • Open
The semester isn't over yet, of course, so there may be more blog entries, but I have a feeling these trends would likely continue. 


  1. This extension of Mueller into the posts of our class is phenomenal! The alphabetically ordered list is interesting when commonly used terms that start with the same letter come to the foreground. The alliteration of "Work Writing" and "Reading Research" get me thinking about these terms in totally new terms.


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